Thursday, November 21, 2019

don't be sad

Do not become jealous of him
If he has a company 
Maybe he was unhappy as you
Yesterday, when you were not seeing him.
Nothing is permanent nor your loneliness,
You can be happy and make others happy.
And you can wait till God bestows
A companion to you.
Believe in Fate and my friend
Please don't be sad.

Friday, November 15, 2019


If you bought a book,
Good if you read it,
But better it would be if you smell
The middle pages of it.

grassland and you

Looking at your beautiful face
Is like looking at a grassland.
The landscape of grassland which have
A brook running through it.
The plane smooth land with green grass
Is like your pink cheek smooth and lovely.
The water in your eyes
Is just like the water in the river.
Your chattering and talking
Is as exquisite as the babbling of the river.
Birds look at you in amazement when
You chuckle and giggle in between
Talking with me.
The sun hides itself behind the clouds
When it sees the light of your face.
I only want one thing in life,
To sit in the grassland and 
Stare at your face until the sun fades
And moon arrives.
Then we go to our small hut
Which is built on the side of grassland
From where the brook ran.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

when we meet

When we meet
I will ask you the reason
You left me alone
And where were you all these days
I was crying for you
The world seem colourless
The birds sing no more to me.
Just meet me once
I will ask you

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


When I saw you last night
My love for you begin to burgeon
But I don't know if you love me or not
Because I don't have any affluence.
If I couldn't marry you, my life
Will become wretched.

The upheaval of my love for you
Made me squalor day by day.
The confine on meeting you
Lits a profound ache in my heart.
My love for you is conspicuous
You can clearly see it.
But my soul ached because you 
Neglect despite of knowing 
My love.
Your exquisite voice 
Like honey dropping from your lips
Make me submissive to your commands.

You are prudent because you think of future,
I do not because I've lost my mind and
And I'm in love with you.
Your shaftness left me distraught,
You thought of me as obnoxious,
But believe me I love you more than I can.
You're staid and I love it that way,
And you should have to avoid discretion
And tell me clearly,
Whether you love me or not.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

with you

I and you
Sitting on the grassy land
I speak something
And you cackle
You glittering voice
Wet in your laughter
Makes me wet from inside.


When this place haunts me
And snatches my peace away.
I clasp your soft hand
And bury my head 
Into your bosoms
Your vacuous hand dab me
On my dusty head.

looking for you

When I'm sad
I seek you
You're the comfort
That the farmer feels
When he irrigates his crop.

Friday, November 1, 2019

you only have to look carefully

I always wanted to go to England
And walk on the university boulevard
On which yellow leaves fell and make
The alley yellow and heaven like

But I got a University myself
And I was walking on its boulevard
And perceived exact same scene
which I want to see in England 

I have stopped their and took
a deep Breath of mixed fragrances
Which I never felt before in my life
A thought at that time ran in mind

Why somewhen else I go?
When I can see it on my door.

its nice the way you are

Why do you make you face dirty?
By applying so much makeup on that
If you think it will enrich your beauty
That's a misconception for sure.

Thomas Carew that great bard
I think you heard of him
Said that "Someone is beautiful from
Their mind not from face, lips or cheeks.

If you think you have a bad complexion
It doesn't matter to me that much
If you think you look ugly without that makeup
Allow me I'll still love you so much.

Those, my dear, who love your face
With that makeup on, is not you true lover.
Believe me poets never tell a lie,
Those who love your rationality is the genuine one.

Consider this, please
And instead of becoming "beautiful face"
Become a "beautiful mind"

If I stand up and walk

So, what if I stand up and walk right now, What's stopping me? Am I a chained gladiator bound to fight and suffer, And be a means of amu...