Thursday, October 31, 2019


You voice like a flowing river, unstoppable babble
Like a melody of piano
Fill my ear with honey.
You're the violin and you're 
The guitar.
Times were there when
I cross oceans in a jump
Just to listen your talk,
Your giggling 
And your putting hand on your 
Just wins my heart
A thousand times.


You eat
My belly gets filled
You drink
I thirst extinguishes
You laugh out loud
I feel euphoria
You learn something
I become wise 
You get hurt
My half body dies
You rise up
I rise to heaven
You live
My body gets life

I heard once
A mother saying to her child

green sky

Has the sky turned green?
Or the heath become blue,
Is skylarks swimming deep in oceans?
Or the fishes flying high in the sky,

I shall part you
When all these will happen.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Please don't kill me
I will kill myself
What else can I do when 
She is not here 
Life has meaning no more
These blue skies and green gardens
Means nothing to me.
The happiness of this
Was here when she was here.
The starts lost their shining
Since she left.
Sun hasn't left with that heat
Which he posses in her presence,
The daffodils scent smell no more.
I'll kill myself 
Please dont you dare
Kill me.

come back

Come back again
I am feeling empty 
Without you
Yes, I made mistakes
But you could stop me
I become mad
The world seem upside down
To me.
I feel no comfort in nothing and
This I deplume my hair
And drink rum till
The bottle felt alone without 
Rum or I fell from my chair
And went to deep tranquil sleep.
You come in my dreams and that reminiscent
Of our old days I wake up abruptly
And find you nowhere.
There is not even a lock
Of your hair remain in the house
Me and your memories
And rum and empty bottle.

touch me

Touch me, feel me
Love me, hate me

Grab me, kiss me
Seduce me, hold me

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

winter times

Winter is here
Everything is covered under
The big white blanket.
Cool air touches my bare arms
and a shivering ran down my spine,
like electricity runs in a wire.
Trees are cover under fog
Green leaves I can hardly see
The boulevard is wet and 
The wet smell of soil
blesses my soul.
I walk alone 
through the soupy fog
When micro droplets of
Icy mist kiss my cheek and 
I smile.
I love it.
I walk alone smelling and feeling.
I wish the winter stays
and bless me even more.


That river flows down the hill
From the rocks and pebbles
Babbling and swooshing.
When I step in it
Its cold water welcomes
Me by touching my foot 
And cooling it
Your sensation is different
You sound is overwhelming
I sit beside and
I listen to you
I feel refreshed and 
I feel loved too.


The crowd on the road 
makes me mad.
I can't think of anything 
when I am in the Crowd.
Empty places are more comforting,
I long for some quiet place with
Trees, plants, grass and flowers
To sit down and look at them
As Romeo looked at Juliet
or Majnu looked at Laila.


In the chilling month of 
You and I are laying 
On bed under one
Quilt. Our warm bodies are
Touching each other.
We making love in January
And January smiles.


I wait for you in the lonely road 
I am there alone
But the clouds are there
And the romantic blue air
Touches my cheek and
Chilled me from inside
Everybody came
But you never did.
But I'll wait there till 


Green grass looks lovely
I sit on them and feel 
Great comfort which I
Never feel on couch 
or cushion.
Greenery is like breath
It gives life to me.
And the accompanying chirruping
Of the native birds
Feels even amazing.
Blue sky, green grass
And clouds ready to rain
Anytime soon.
Love is this
and this is life.
Don't go anywhere else to find
peace, serenity and happiness.
They are here on the grasslands
And among the green trees,🌲
mountains and brooks.
Feel them and perceive them. 🥰
Life will feel amazing them.

Monday, October 28, 2019


When I walk on the road 
And sometime before
Rain has washed it
It feels so refreshing
I love treading on it.

Roads are lovely
Walking in the moonlight 🌒
Looking to the sky.
The sweet fragrance of flowers
And wet leaves,
Kind of kindles a fire🔥
Inside me.

You are also walking 
That very road
On which I am walking
I look at you 
I ain't speak anything,
Though I want very much
To talk to you.
Its like a heavy weight rock
That I can't lift anymore
Forgive me, love
I cannot tell you how
What I feel for you.


When I see into your eyes
They seem like inviting me
They persuade me to
Hold you tight.
Hug you, kiss you and love you
All night.


Can i touch you?
I want to feet you skin,
I wonder how your skin feels
I want to kiss every part of it.


When i looked at you
You smiled I smiled
And that point of time
I think
Is the most precious.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

yellow leaves

Leaves are falling from the trees
They're reaching the ground
Laying themselves on the lap of land.
There they then get dried and crunchy
They produce lovely crunchy sound
When you step on them
They get their colour change from 
Green to yellow to brownish yellow
Then they look even prettier
Whenever I see yellow leaves,
laying on sideways of roads
I stop and have a loving sight at them
They intrigue me
I look at them and 
I get nothing but merriness
They lay their until they began,
Mixing in the ground to come again
To some tree and fall again on some 
Sideways of road.

If I stand up and walk

So, what if I stand up and walk right now, What's stopping me? Am I a chained gladiator bound to fight and suffer, And be a means of amu...